Category: Blog

  • Post Clearance Audit and Prior Disclosure Program

    Post Clearance Audit and Prior Disclosure Program

    On 09 January 2019, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) issued Customs Administrative Order (CAO) No. 1-2019 which provides for the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Sections 1000-1006 of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA). CAO No. 1-2019 mandated the BOC’s Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG), within three (3) years from the importer’s date of…

  • Documentary Requirements for the Accreditation of Importer

    Documentary Requirements for the Accreditation of Importer

    Dear Readers, Good day! Please see attached memorandum from the Bureau of Customs (Documentary Requirements for the Accreditation of Importer) dated 4 December 2018 reiterating the strict compliance with the updating of List of Importables (LOI) to Account Management Office (AMO) according to CAO 11-2014. The said provision regarding LOI provides; “d. List of Expected…

  • The Eleventh Foreign Investment Negative List

    The Eleventh Foreign Investment Negative List

    On 29 October 2018, the Office of the President issued Executive Order No. 65, “Promulgating the Eleventh Regular Foreign Investment Negative List,” replacing the three-year-old Tenth Regular Foreign Investment Negative List issued by the former administration in 2015.   The Eleventh Foreign Investment Negative List indicates the investment areas or activities which are open to…

  • Administrative Order No. 13-2018

    Administrative Order No. 13-2018

    Removing Non-Tariff Barriers and Streamlining Administrative Procedures on the Importation of Agricultural Products

  • Reactivation of Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG)

    Reactivation of Post Clearance Audit Group (PCAG)

    In October 2017, President Rodrigo Duterte issued Executive Order (EO) No. 46 reviving the Bureau of Customs Post Clearance Audit Group (BOC-PCAG). In 2013, the audit function of the BOC was transferred to the Fiscal Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Department of Finance pursuant to EO No. 155 series of 2013. Republic Act (RA) No.…

  • The Trade Compliance Profession: The Need for Trade Compliance

    The Trade Compliance Profession: The Need for Trade Compliance

    By Atty. Agaton Uvero Except for a brief stint in government, I have been in the trade compliance profession for more than 15 years. In all those years, I get the same question over and over again—what do you do exactly; and when I attempt to explain, I find it very difficult to expound on…